Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tips to make good decision

Decision – Making Strategies

Just as people are different, so are their styles of decision making. Each person is a result of all of the decisions made in their life to date. Recognizing this, here are some tips to enhance your decision making batting average.
Choosing are the right alternative at the wrong time is not any better than the wrong alternative at the right time, so make the decision while you still have time.
Do your decision making on paper. Make notes and keep your ideas visible so you can consider all the relevant information in making this decision.
Be sure to choose based on what is right, not who is right.
Write down the pros and cons of a line of action. It clarifies your thinking and makes for a better decision.
Make decisions as you go along. Do not let them accumulate. A backlog of many little decisions could be harder to deal with than one big and complex decision.
Consider those affected by your decision. Whenever feasible, get them involved to increase their commitment.
Recognize that you cannot know with 100% certainty that your decision is correct because the actions to implement it are to take place in the future. So make it and move forward.
Use the OAR approach in decision making. Look at O, objective you are seeking to attain. A, the alternative you sense are available to you and R, the risk of the alternative you are considering.
Remember that not making a decision is a decision not to take action.
Trust yourself to make a decision and then to be able to field the consequences appropriately.
Don’t waste your time making decisions that do not have to be made.
Determine alternative courses of action before gathering data.
Before implementing what appears to be the best choice, assess the risk by asking “what can I think of that might go wrong with this alternative and what contingencies can I implement if needed?”
Many decisions you make are unimportant-about 80% of them. Establish operating limits, delegate and let others make them for you.
As part of your decision making process, always consider how the decision is to be implemented.

As soon as you are aware that a decision will have to be made on a specific situation, review the facts at hand then set it aside. Let this incubate in your subconscious mind until it is time to finally make the decision.
Once the decision has been made, look forward not back. Be aware of how it is currently affecting you and focus on your next move. Never regret a decision. It was the right thing to do at the time. Now focus on what is right at this time.
Mentally rehearse implementation of your choice and reflect in your imagination what outcome will result.
Brainstorming alternative solutions with others will gain fresh ideas and commitment.

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